Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Optimal Payment Systems for Health Services
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Randall P. Ellis
Journal of Health Economics
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The Economics of Long-Term Care for the Mentally Ill
Authors: Frisman LK and McGuire TG
The Journal of Social Issues
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Provider Response to Medicare’s PPS: Reductions in Length of Stay for Psychiatric Patients Treated in Scatter Beds
Authors: Freiman M, Ellis RP and McGuire TG
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Combining Demand and Supply Side Cost Sharing: The Case of Inpatient Mental Health Care

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Outpatient Benefits for Mental Health Services in Medicare: Alignment with the Private Sector?

American Psychologist
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Preferred Provider Organizations: Options for Medicare
Authors: Bachman S, McGuire TG, Pomeranz D, et al.
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Inpatient Psychiatric Units in General Hospitals: Response to Mental Health Policy or Hospital Economics?
Authors: Lois Camberg and Thomas G. McGuire
Medical Care
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Insurance Principles and Design of Prospective Payment Systems
Authors: Ellis RP and McGuire TG
Journal of Health Economics
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Patterns of mental health utilization over time in a fee-for-service population
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Alan Fairbank
American Journal of Public Health
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Assessing the Effect of Vendorship: A One-State Case Study
Authors: Liberman A, Shatkin B and McGuire TG
Journal of Independent Social Work Practice
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