Marshall J. Seidman Lecture Series
The Marshall J. Seidman lecture series has been held annually since 2001 with a health care policy expert from outside Harvard University providing insight on a current topic relevant to health care costs, quality, or improvements.
Past Marshall J. Seidman Lecture Speakers
J.W. Kieckhefer Visiting Scholar Series
The JWK Visiting Scholar is a new program sponsored by the Department of Health Care Policy and was begun in 2022. A leading researcher in health economics from another academic institution is invited to visit the department for up to a week. During this time he/she meets with students and faculty from Harvard schools with interest and research in health economics (i.e., FAS, HBS, HKS, HMS, Harvard Chan School of Public Health).
2023 J.W. Kieckhefer Visiting Scholars:
Daniel C. Toteson Lecture Series
The Tosteson Series is based on the premise that understanding the structure of the health care system will allow physicians to assume a more active role in its evolution. Through discussions with patients and participation in community service projects, students glimpse the health care system through the eyes of patients. Students gain the necessary knowledge and skills to help shape the health care system at every level, from local hospitals to national and international policy.
In addition to lectures, the Tosteson Series also provides opportunities to volunteer in local community service projects related to the improvement of health. Participants in this series can thereby work to preserve and improve both the quality of and access to care, and become better advocates for their patients. This lecture series also serves as a vehicle for interested students to find mentors and engage in research activities aimed at analyzing and reforming the health care system to better serve the needs of patients.
Between eight and 12 interactive, noncredit seminars are held a year; approximately 100 to 125 first- and second-year students attend. The topics continue to be broad and of interest to all medical students, including those without any background in health policy.
For more information, please contact Ivanna Pena.
Past Lecture Dates | Speaker |
March 2016 | Lucian Leape |
April 2016 | Michael Chernew |
May 2016 | Jeffrey Sanchez |
"In the Trenches" Seminar Series
In order to provide the faculty and students with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by front-line managers and to provide a more comprehensive view of the delivery system itself, the Department of Health Care Policy started a unique seminar series in 2000. We invite guests to speak on issues affecting the financing and delivery of health care at their practices, institutions, or corporations. Dr. Bruce Landon coordinates the series; it is open to members of the university.
Design of Experimental and Non-Experimental Studies Seminar Series
The Design of Experimental and Non-Experimental Studies (DENS) seminar series feature rising stars and established leaders in the field of causal inference that visit the department to share their work. These seminars are coordinated by José Zubizarreta.
PhD in Health Policy Research Seminar
The Research Seminar is for students in the PhD Program in Health Policy who are third-year graduate students and above. It meets weekly throughout the year and gives students an opportunity to present dissertation research or job talks. The seminars are primarily for students in the program and faculty who are interested in the topic being presented. Anupam Jena and Laura Hatfield are the faculty coordinators. For more information, contact Collen Yout by e-mail or at (617) 495-1357.
Spring 2024 Sessions and Speakers:
2/6: Amanda Chen, G4, Methods for Policy Research
2/13: Lindsay Overhage, G3, Methods for Policy Research
2/20: Joseph Hnath, G4, Economics
2/27: Ibou Dieye, G3, Economics
3/5: Ye Shen, G4, Decision Sciences
3/12: Spring Break
3/19: Motunrayo Tosin-Oni, G4, Political Analysis
3/26: Olivia Zhao, G4, Management
4/2 (2 presenters): Celia Stafford, G3, Management & Hailey Brace, G3, Economics
4/9: Raj Vatsa, G4, Methods for Policy Research
4/16 (2 presenters): Marema Gaye, G3, Economics & Katie Orona, G3, Methods for Policy Research
4/23: Ilana Salant, G4, Economics
4/30: Katherine Ianni, G4, Methods for Policy Research
Past PhD in Health Policy Seminar Sessions and Speakers
Health Economics Seminar
The Health Economics Seminar is run by third-year graduate students in the economics track of the PhD program in Health Policy. The seminar meets weekly throughout the year with a mix of internal and external speakers, predominantly graduate students presenting work in progress. The seminar attracts faculty and graduate students from the Economics department at Harvard, Harvard’s JFK School of Public Policy, Boston University, and MIT. .
Spring 2024 Seminar Dates and Speakers
Date | Presenter | Location |
January 30 | Roger Prudon | HCP |
February 6 | Lan Zou | HCP |
February 13 | Marai Hayes | HCP |
February 20 | Sarah Kotb | HCP |
February 27 | Edward Kong | HCP |
March 5 | Abigail Dow | HCP |
March 19 | Mitchell Tang | HCP |
March 26 | Joseph Hnath | HCP |
April 2 | Olivia Zhao | HCP |
April 9 | Ilana Salant | HCP |
April 16 | Connie Xu, Hailey Brace | HCP |
April 23 | Marema Gaye, Ibou Dieye | HCP |