Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Ownership and Performance: The Case of Outpatient Mental Health Clinics
Authors: Sarah Hall and Thomas G. McGuire
Medical Care
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Setting Capitation Payments in Markets for Health Services
Authors: Ellis RP and McGuire TG
Health Care Financing Review
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Differences in resource use and cost among facilities treating alcohol, drug abuse, and mental disorders: implications for design of a prospective payment system
Authors: McGuire TG, Dickey B, Shively G, et al.
American Journal of Psychiatry
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The Quarterway House: A Two-Year Cost Study of an Experimental Residential Program
Authors: Dickey B, Cannon NL, McGuire TG, et al.
Hospital and Community Psychiatry
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Financing Psychotherapy

The Journal of Risk and Insurance
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Mental Health Cost Models: Refinements and Applications
Authors: Dickey B, Cannon N and McGuire TG
Medical Care
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The Effect of Vendorship on the Distribution of Clinical Social Work Services
Authors: Shatkin BF, Frisman LK and McGuire TG
Social Services Review
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Demand and Utilization of Mental Health Services: A Review of the Evidence

Health Services Research
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Cost Sharing and Patterns of Mental Health Care Utilization
Authors: Ellis RP and McGuire TG
Journal of Human Resources
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Research Issues in Reimbursement of Mental Health Services: Conference Overview
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Richard Scheffler
Journal of Human Resources
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