Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
A Randomized Trial of Treatment Options for Alcohol-Abusing Workers
Authors: Diana Chapman Walsh, Ralph W. Hingson, Daniel M. Merrigan, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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Medicare Payment to Psychiatric Facilities: Unfair and Inefficient?
Authors: Jerry Cromwell, Brooke Harrow, Thomas G. McGuire, et al.
Health Affairs
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Physician Response to Fee Schedules with Multiple Payers
Authors: McGuire TG and Pauly MV
Journal of Health Economics
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Measuring the Economic Cost of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Bulletin
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Determinants of Stringency of Psychologist Licensure
Authors: Lambert DA and McGuire TG
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
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Designing a state-level prospective payment system for inpatient psychiatric services in medicaid
Authors: McGuire TG, Mosakowski WS and Radigan LS
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Political and Economic Determinants of Insurance Regulation in Mental Health
Authors: Lambert DA and McGuire TG
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
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Growth of a Field of Policy Research: The Economics of Mental Health

Journal of Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Mandating Employer Coverage of Mental Health Care

Health Affairs
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Should Medical Professional Liability Insurance be Experience Rated?
Authors: Randall P. Ellis, Cynthia L. Gallup, and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Risk and Insurance
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