Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Should Physicians be Permitted to ‘Balance Bill’ Patients?
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Health Economics
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Supply-Side and Demand-Side Cost Sharing in Health Care
Authors: Ellis RP and McGuire TG
Journal of Economic Perspectives
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Workplace Drug Abuse Policy
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Christopher Ruhm
Journal of Health Economics
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Excluded Facility Financial Status and Options for Payment System Modification
Authors: Schneider J, Cromwell J and McGuire TG
Health Care Financing Review
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Paying for Joint Costs in Health Care
Authors: Albert Ma and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
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Financing Long-Term Care: A Practical Mix of Public and Private
Authors: Marc Cohen, Nanda Kumar, Thomas G. McGuire, et al.
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
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A Model Mental Health Benefit in Private Insurance
Authors: Richard G. Frank, Howard H. Goldman and Thomas G. McGuire
Health Affairs
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Response to Weiner et al
Authors: Cohen M, Kumar N, McGuire T
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
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Designing a Benefit Plan for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Authors: McGuire TG, Frank RG and Goldman HH
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Benefit Flexibility, Cost Shifting, and Mandated Mental Health Coverage
Authors: Frank RG, McGuire TG and Salkever D
Journal of Mental Health Administration
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