Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Effectiveness, Patient Matching, and Insurance Coverage for Depression

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
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State Mental Health Agency Spending, 1985-1990
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Beverly Porter
Journal of Mental Health Administration
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Incomplete Information and Optimal Market Structure: Public Purchases from Private Providers
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire and Michael H. Riordan
Journal of Public Economics
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Who Will Pay for Health Reform? Consequences of Redistribution of Funding for Mental Health Care
Authors: Frank RG, Goldman HH and McGuire TG
Hospital and Community Psychiatry
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Establishing a Capitation Policy for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services in Health Care Reform

Behavioral Healthcare Tomorrow
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Paying for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care
Authors: Richard G. Frank, Thomas G. McGuire, Darrel A. Regier, et al.
Health Affairs
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Mental Health and Substance Abuse Coverage under Health Reform
Authors: Arons BS, Frank RG, Goldman HH, et al.
Health Affairs
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Payer Competition and Cost Shifting in Health Care
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
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Hospital Response to Prospective Payment
Authors: Hodgkin D and McGuire TG
Journal of Health Economics
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Predicting the Costs of Mental Health Benefits

Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly: Health And Society
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