Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Solutions for Adverse Selection in Behavioral Health Care
Authors: Richard G. Frank, Thomas G. McGuire, Jay Bae, et al.
Health Care Financing Review
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Alternative Insurance Arrangements and the Treatment of Depression: What Are the Facts?
Authors: Berndt ER, Frank RG and McGuire TG
The American Journal of Managed Care
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Some Economics of Mental Health Carve-outs

Archives of General Psychiatry
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Organizational Structure and State Mental Health Expenditures
Authors: Karen Jacobsen, Thomas G. McGuire and Elizabeth Notman
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Hospital Response to Prospective Payment: Moral Hazard, Selection, and Practice-Style Effects
Authors: Ellis RP and McGuire TG
Journal of Health Economics
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Federal Block Grants and State Spending: The ADM Block Grant and State Agency Behavior
Authors: Karen Jacobsen and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
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Commentary on Rizzo and Blumenthal "Is the Target Income Hypothesis Economic Heresy"
Authors: McGuire T
Medical Care Research and Review
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Managing Medicaid Mental Health Costs: The Case of New Hampshire
Authors: McGuire TG, Hodgkin D and Shumway D
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Risk Contracts in Managed Mental Health Care

Health Affairs
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Estimating the Costs of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Coverage for Public Policy

Health Affairs
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