Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Uncertainty and Healthcare Disparities
Authors: Ana Balsa, Naomi Seiler, Thomas G. McGuire, et al.
American Journal of Law & Medicine
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Burden of Illness
Authors: Thomas G. McGuire, Ken Wells, Martha L. Bruce, et al.
Mental Health Services Research
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Multiple Payers, Commonality and Free-riding in Health Care: Medicare and Private Payers
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Health Economics
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Overcoming Barriers to Reducing the Burden of Affective Disorders
Authors: Kenneth B. Wells, Jeanne Miranda, Mark S. Bauer, et al.
Biological Psychiatry
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Using elicitation techniques to estimate the value of ambulatory treatments for major depression

Medical Decision Making
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Network Incentives in Managed Health Care
Authors: Ching-To Albert Ma and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
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The Productivity of Outpatient Treatment for Substance Abuse
Authors: Mingshan Lu and McGuire TG
Journal of Human Resources
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Setting Health Plan Premiums to Ensure Efficient Quality in Health Care: Minimum Variance Optimal Risk Adjustment
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Public Economics
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Will Parity in Coverage Result in Better Mental Health Care?
Authors: Richard G. Frank, Howard H. Goldman and Thomas G. McGuire
New England Journal of Medicine
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Statistical Discrimination in Health Care
Authors: Ana Balsa and Thomas G. McGuire
Journal of Health Economics
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