Thomas G. McGuire

Thomas G. McGuire, PhD

Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Does Managed Mental Health Care Reallocate Resources to Those with Greater Need for Services?
Authors: Margarita Alegria, Thomas G. McGuire, M. Vera, et al.
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
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Why Don’t Private Employers Use Formal Risk Adjustment? Conference Overview
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
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The Prevalence of Formal Risk Adjustment in Health Plan Purchasing
Authors: Patricia Seliger Keenan, Melinda J. Beeuwkes Buntin, Thomas G. McGuire, et al.
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Private Employers Don’t Need Formal Risk Adjustment
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas G. McGuire
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Changes in Access to Mental Health Care for the Poor and the Non-Poor with Managed Care: Results from the Health Care Reform in Puerto Rico
Authors: Margarita Alegria, Thomas G. McGuire, Mildred Vera, et al.
American Journal of Public Health
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Risk Adjustment Alternatives in Paying for Behavioral Health Care Under Medicaid
Authors: Susan L. Ettner, Richard G. Frank, Thomas G. McGuire, et al.
Health Services Research
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The Impact of Managed Care on the Use of Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services in Puerto Rico
Authors: Margarita Alegria, Thomas G. McGuire, M. Vera, et al.
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Measuring Adverse Selection in Managed Health Care
Authors: Frank RG, Glazer J and McGuire TG
Journal of Health Economics
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Optimal Risk Adjustment of Health Insurance Premiums: An Application to Managed Care
Authors: Jacob Glazer and Thomas McGuire
American Economic Review
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Behavioral Health Expenditures and State Organizational Structure
Authors: Fleming E, Ma CA, and McGuire TG
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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