Richard G. Frank

Richard G. Frank, PhD

Margaret T. Morris Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School

2012 – Elected to the National Academy of Social Insurance 2012

2011 - Distinguished Service Award, Mental Health Association of Maryland

2008 - NIHCM Best Paper; 2007 (with Richard Zeckhauser)

2005 - John Dewey Public Service Award, Bard College     

2003 - MarketScan Investigator Award, Thomson Medstat

2002 - John Eisenberg Mentorship Award, National Research Service Awards

2001 - Emily Mumford Medal, Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry

1998 - Carl A. Taube Award, American Public Health Association

1997 - Member, Institute of Medicine

1996 - Fellow of the Association for Health Services Research

1993 - Georgescu-Roegen Award (Best Paper in 1992-93) Southern Economic Association (with David S. Salkever)

1988 - Delta Omega (Public Health Honorary Society)

1986 - New Investigator Research Award, NIMH

1980 - Dissertation Support from Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry

1979 - Honorable Mention Abt Economic Policy Essay Competition

1979 - Dissertation Award from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association

Pricing, Patent Loss and the Market for Pharmaceuticals
Authors: Frank RG and Salkever DS
Southern Economic Journal
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Designing a Benefit Plan for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Authors: McGuire TG, Frank RG and Goldman HH
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Insurance, System Structure and the Use of Mental Health Services by Children and Adolescents
Authors: Frank RG and Dewa C
Clinical Psychology Review
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Utilization of Health Services of Intravenous Drug Users with Known Serostatus
Authors: Solomon L, Frank RG, Vlahov D, et al.
American Journal of Public Health
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Benefit Flexibility, Cost Shifting, and Mandated Mental Health Coverage
Authors: Frank RG, McGuire TG and Salkever D
Journal of Mental Health Administration
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The Supply of Charity Services by Non-Profit Hospitals: Motives and Market Structure
Authors: Frank RG and Salkever DS
Rand Journal of Economics
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A Look at Rising Mental Health Insurance Costs
Authors: Frank RG, Salkever DS and Sharfstein SS
Health Affairs
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Mental Health and Marital Stability
Authors: Frank RG and Gertler PJ
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
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Non-Profit Providers of Mental Health Care: Privileges and Responsibilities
Authors: Frank RG and Salkever DS
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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An Assessment of Measurement Error Bias for Estimating the Impact of Mental Distress on Earnings
Authors: Frank RG and Gertler P
Journal of Human Resources
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