Joseph P. Newhouse

Joseph P. Newhouse, PhD

John D. MacArthur Research Professor of Health Policy and Management
Review of Patricia Danzon's "Medical Malpractice"
Authors: Newhouse, JP
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Efficiency vs. Access and the Future of Medicare

Health Span
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Health Outcomes for Adults in Prepaid and Fee-for-Service Systems of Care: Results from the Health Insurance Experiment
Authors: Ware, JE, Brook, RH, Rogers, WH, Keeler, EB, Davies, AR, Sherbourne, CD, Goldberg, GA, Newhouse, JP
RAND Report
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Providing Primary General Medical Care in University Hospitals: Efficiency and Cost
Authors: Kosecoff J, Brook RH, Fink A, et al.
Annals of Internal Medicine
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Effects of Cost Sharing on Physiological Health, Health Practices, and Worry
Authors: Keeler EB, Sloss EM, Brook RH, et al.
Health Services Research
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Cross National Differences in Health Expenditure: What Do They Mean?

Journal of Health Economics
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Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Results from a Randomized Experiment
Authors: Manning WG, Newhouse JP, Duan N, et al.
American Economic Review
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The Effect of Free Care on the Use of Antibiotics: Results from a Population‑Based Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Foxman B, Burciaga Valdez R, Lohr KN, et al.
Journal of Chronic Diseases
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Health Economics and Econometrics

American Economic Review
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Cost Sharing and the Use of General Medical Physicians for Outpatient Mental Health Care
Authors: Wells KB,Manning WG, Duan N, et al.
Health Services Research
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