Joseph P. Newhouse

Joseph P. Newhouse, PhD

John D. MacArthur Research Professor of Health Policy and Management
Relation Between Malpractice Claims and Adverse Events Due to Negligence: Results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study, III
Authors: Localio AR, Lawthers AG, Brennan TA, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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The Effects of Excise Taxes and Regulations on Adult and Teenage Cigarette Smoking
Authors: Wasserman J, Manning WG, Newhouse JP, et al.
Journal of Health Economics
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The Nature of Adverse Events in Hospitalized Patients: Findings from the Harvard Medical Practice Study II
Authors: Leape LL, Brennan TA, Laird NM, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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Incidence of Adverse Events and Negligence in Hospitalized Patients: Findings from the Harvard Medical Practice Study I
Authors: Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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Has DRG Creep Crept Up? Decomposing the Case Mix Index Change Before 1987 or 1988
Authors: Carter, GM, Newhouse, JP, Relles, DA
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The Cost and Value of Second Surgical Opinion Programs: A Critical Review of the Literature
Authors: Phoebe A. Lindsey and Joseph P. Newhouse
Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law
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Postsurgical Mortality in Manitoba and New England
Authors: Leslie L. Roos, Elliott S. Fisher, Sandra M. Sharp, et al.
Journal of the American Medical Association
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Quality of Ambulatory Care: Epidemiology and Comparison by Insurance Status and Income
Authors: Brook RH, Kamberg CJ, Lohr KN, et al.
Medical Care
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How Much Change in the Case Mix Index is DRG Creep?
Authors: Grace M. Carter, Joseph P. Newhouse and Daniel A. Relles
Journal of Health Economics
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Geographic Access to Physician Services
Authors: Newhouse, JP
Annual Review of Public Health
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