Joseph P. Newhouse

Joseph P. Newhouse, PhD

John D. MacArthur Research Professor of Health Policy and Management
Office Visit Copayments: Patient Knowledge, Response, and Communication with Providers
Authors: Nancy Benedetti, Vicki Fung, Mary Reed, et al.
Medical Care
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Attrition in the RAND Health Insurance Experiment: A Response to Nyman
Authors: Joseph P. Newhouse, Robert H. Brook, Naihua Duan, et al.
Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law
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Prescription drug claim rejections for nursing home residents under Medicare Part D.

Health Affairs
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Can Multi-payer Financing Achieve Single-Payer Spending Levels?
Authors: Joseph P. Newhouse and Anna Sinaiko
Forum for Health Economics & Policy
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The Effect of Consumer Directed Health Plans on the Use of Preventive and Chronic Illness Services
Authors: John W. Rowe, Tina Brown-Stevenson, Roberta L. Downey, et al.
Health Affairs
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A geospatial analysis of emergency transport and inter-hospital transfer in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a geospatial analysis.
Authors: Concannon TW, Kent DM, Normand S-L, et al.
American Journal of Cardiology
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Is There a Reason to Negotiate Drug Prices Under Part D of Medicare? And If So How?
Authors: Richard G. Frank and Joseph P. Newhouse
Health Affairs
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Survival and changes in comorbidities after bariatric surgery.
Authors: Perry CD, Hutter MM, Smith DB, et al.
Annals of Surgery
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Productivity Adjustment in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Update
Authors: Joseph P. Newhouse and Anna D. Sinaiko
Health Care Financing Review
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Estimates of Physician Productivity: An Evaluation
Authors: Joseph P. Newhouse and Anna D. Sinaiko
Health Care Financing Review
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