David C. Grabowski

David C. Grabowski, PhD

Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Prospects for Transferring Nursing Home Residents to the Community
Authors: Mor V, Zinn J, Gozalo P, et al.
Health Affairs
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Differences in hospice care between home and institutional settings.

Journal of Palliative Medicine
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Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents: The Effects of States' Medicaid Payment and Bed-Hold Policies.
Authors: Intrator O, Grabowski DC, Zinn J, et al.
Health Services Research
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Moral Hazard in Nursing Home Use
Authors: DC Grabowski and J Gruber
Journal of Health Economics
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Eye Care in the United States: Do We Deliver to High-risk People Who Can Benefit Most From It?
Authors: Zhang X, Saaddine JB, Lee PP, et al.
Archives of Ophthalmology
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Systemwide Implications of the Repeal of the National Maximum Speed Limit
Authors: Grabowski DC and Morrisey MA
Accident Analysis & Prevention
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Graduated Drivers License Programs and Rural Teenage Motor Vehicle Fatalities
Authors: Morrisey, M.A. and D.C. Grabowski
Journal of Rural Health
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The Effect of State Medicaid Case-Mix Payment on Nursing Home Resident Acuity
Authors: Feng Z, Grabowski DC, Intrator O, et al.
Health Services Research
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Effect of Educational Level and Minority Status on Nursing Home Choice After Hospital Discharge
Authors: Angelelli, J., D.C. Grabowski and V. Mor
American Journal of Public Health
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The influence of Medicare home health payment incentives: does payer source matter?

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