Alan M. Zaslavsky, PhD
Daniel C. Tosteson Professor of Health Care Policy (Statistics) , Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Estimated Prevalence of and Factors Associated With Clinically Significant Anxiety and Depression Among US Adults During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Kessler RC, Ruhm CJ, Puac-Polanco V, Hwang IH, Lee S, Petukhova MV, Sampson NA, Ziobrowski HN, Zaslavsky AM, Zubizarreta JR
JAMA Network Open
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JAMA Network Open
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Measuring Racial Inequities In The Quality Of Care Across Oncology Practices In The US
Authors: Keating NL, Landrum MB, Samuel-Ryals C, Sinaiko AD, Wright A, Brooks GA, Bai B, Zaslavsky AM
Health Aff
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Health Aff
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Development of a model to predict psychotherapy response for depression among Veterans
Authors: Ziobrowski HN, Cui R, Ross EL, Liu H, Puac-Polanco V, Turner B, Leung LB, Bossarte RM, Bryant C, Pigeon WR, Oslin DW, Post EP, Zaslavsky AM, Zubizarreta JR, Nierenberg AA, Luedtke A, Kennedy CJ, Kessler RC.
Psychol Med
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Psychol Med
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Mental disorder comorbidity and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys International College Student initiative.
Authors: Auerbach RP, Mortier P, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Benjet C, Cuijpers P, Demyttenaere K, Ebert DD, Green JG, Hasking P, Lee S, Lochner C, McLafferty M, Nock MK, Petukhova MV, Pinder-Amaker S, Rosellini AJ, Sampson NA, Vilagut G, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC; WHO WMH-ICS Collaborators.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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Lifetime and 12-month treatment for mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among first year college students.
Authors: Bruffaerts R, Mortier P, Auerbach RP, Alonso J, Hermosillo De la Torre AE, Cuijpers P, Demyttenaere K, Ebert DD, Green JG, Hasking P, Stein DJ, Ennis E, Nock MK, Pinder-Amaker S, Sampson NA, Vilagut G, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC; WHO WMH-ICS Collaborators.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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Transition to suicide attempt from recent suicide ideation in U.S. Army soldiers: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS).
Authors: Naifeh JA, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC, Zaslavsky AM, Nock MK, Dempsey CL, Bartolanzo D, Ng THH, Aliaga PA, Zuromski KL, Dinh HM, Fullerton CS, Kao TC, Mash HBH, Sampson NA, Wynn GH, Stein MB.
Depression and Anxiety
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Depression and Anxiety
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Cross-national patterns of substance use disorder treatment and associations with mental disorder comorbidity in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys.
Authors: Harris MG, Bharat C, Glantz MD, Sampson NA, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, Caldas de Almeida JM, Cia AH, de Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hinkov H, Karam EG, Karam G, Lee S, Lépine JP, Levinson D, Makanjuola V, McGrath J, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Rapsey C, Tachimori H, Ten Have M, Torres Y, Viana MC, Chatterji S, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC, Degenhardt L; World Health Organization's World Mental Health Surveys collaborators
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Analysis of Physician Variation in Provision of Low-Value Services.
Potential Effects Of Eliminating The Individual Mandate Penalty In California.
Authors: Fung V, Liang CY, Shi J, Seo V, Overhage L, Dow WH, Zaslavsky AM, Fireman B, Derose SF, Chernew ME, Newhouse JP, Hsu J.
Health Affairs
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Health Affairs
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Analysis of Physician Variation in Provision of Low-Value Services.