Richard G. Frank, PhD
2012 – Elected to the National Academy of Social Insurance 2012
2011 - Distinguished Service Award, Mental Health Association of Maryland
2008 - NIHCM Best Paper; 2007 (with Richard Zeckhauser)
2005 - John Dewey Public Service Award, Bard College
2003 - MarketScan Investigator Award, Thomson Medstat
2002 - John Eisenberg Mentorship Award, National Research Service Awards
2001 - Emily Mumford Medal, Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry
1998 - Carl A. Taube Award, American Public Health Association
1997 - Member, Institute of Medicine
1996 - Fellow of the Association for Health Services Research
1993 - Georgescu-Roegen Award (Best Paper in 1992-93) Southern Economic Association (with David S. Salkever)
1988 - Delta Omega (Public Health Honorary Society)
1986 - New Investigator Research Award, NIMH
1980 - Dissertation Support from Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry
1979 - Honorable Mention Abt Economic Policy Essay Competition
1979 - Dissertation Award from the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association