Two health policy PhD students at HCP have been awarded prestigious fellowships from Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. These fellowships allow outstanding PhD students to focus their time on research, fieldwork and writing.
Alex McDowell received the Harvard Graduate Summer Predissertation Fellowship to support efforts to understand gender minority beneficiaries in commercial claims data. In the future, she plans to improve methods for identifying gender minorities, as well as evaluate the effects of changes in federal and state level anti-discrimination policy on gender minority health and health care utilization.
Savannah Bergquist will be supported by the Merit/Graduate Society Term-time Research Fellowship during the Fall 2017 term. Her research focuses on systematically missing data and prediction; current projects include classifying lung cancer stage using health care claims data and using computational health economics to improve payment system performance.
Both McDowell and Bergquist are currently funded on a National Institutes of Mental Health training grant and advised by Sherri Rose.
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Photo: Andrew Olenski