Ronald C. Kessler

Ronald C. Kessler, PhD

McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Diagnosing mental disorders in the community: A difference that matters?
Authors: Wittchen HU, Üstün TB and Kessler RC
Psychological Medicine
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Depression in the workplace: Effects on short-term work disability
Authors: Kessler RC, Barber CB, Birnbaum HG, et al.
Health Affairs
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The impact of widowhood on depression: Findings from a prospective survey
Authors: Carnelley KB, Wortman CB and Kessler RC
Psychological Medicine
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Prevalence of and risk factors for lifetime suicide attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey
Authors: Kessler RC, Borges G and Walters EE
Archives of General Psychiatry
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Vulnerability to assaultive violence: Further specification of the sex difference in post-traumatic stress disorder
Authors: Breslau N, Chilcoat HD, Kessler RC, et al.
Psychological Medicine
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The economic burden of anxiety disorders in the 1990s
Authors: Greenberg PE, Sisitky T, Kessler RC, et al.
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
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Previous exposure to trauma and PTSD-effects of subsequent trauma: Results from the Detroit Area Survey of Trauma
Authors: Breslau N, Chilcoat HD, Kessler RC, et al.
American Journal of Psychiatry
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Screening for mental disorders: Performance of the Composite International Diagnostic-Screener (CID-S)
Authors: Wittchen HU, Hofler M, Gander F, et al.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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Short screening scale for DSM-IV posttraumatic stress disorder
Authors: Breslau N, Peterson EL, Kessler RC, et al.
American Journal of Psychiatry
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Lifetime comorbidities between social phobia and mood disorders in the US National Comorbidity Survey
Authors: Kessler RC, Stang P, Wittchen HU, et al.
Psychological Medicine
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