Ronald C. Kessler

Ronald C. Kessler, PhD

McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Validity of the World Health Organization Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener in a representative sample of health plan members
Authors: Kessler RC, Adler LA, Gruber MJ, et al.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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Lifetime prevalence and inter-cohort variation in DSM-IV disorders in metropolitan China
Authors: Lee S, Tsang A, Zhang MY, et al.
Psychological Medicine
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Considering the costs of bipolar depression
Authors: Kessler RC, Akiskal HS, Ames M, et al.
Behavioral Healthcare
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The use of complementary and alternative medicine in the general population: Results from a longitudinal community study
Authors: Rössler W , Lauber C , Angst J, et al.
Psychological Medicine
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Consensus statement on the benefit to the community of ESEMeD (European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders) survey data on depression and anxiety.
Authors: Nutt DJ, Kessler RC, Alonso J, et al.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
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Do Canada and the United States differ in prevalence of depression and utilization of services?
Authors: Vasiliadis HM, Lesage A, Adair C, et al.
Psychiatric Services
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Sleep problems, comorbid mental disorders, and role functioning in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R)
Authors: Roth T, Jaeger S, Jin R, et al.
Biological Psychiatry
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A risk index for 12-month suicide attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R).
Authors: Borges, G., Angst, J., Nock, M.K., Ruscio, A.M. et al.
Psychological Medicine
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Mental illness and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina
Authors: Kessler, R.C., Galea, S., Jones, R.T. et al
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
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The costs and benefits of enhanced depression care to employers
Authors: Wang PS, Patrick A, Avorn J, et al.
Archives of General Psychiatry
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