Ronald C. Kessler

Ronald C. Kessler, PhD

McNeil Family Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School
Irritable mood in adult Major Depressive Disorder: Results from the World Mental Health Surveys.
Authors: Kovess-Masfety, V., Alonso, J., Angermeyer, M., et al.
Depression and Anxiety
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The epidemiology of depression across cultures.
Authors: Kessler, R.C. and Bromet, E.J.
Annual Review of Public Health
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Prevalence, correlates, and treatment of lifetime suicidal behavior among adolescents: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Adolescent Supplement.
Authors: Nock MK, Green JG, Hwang I, et al.
JAMA Psychiatry
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Modifying and validating the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) for use in Nepal.
Authors: Ghimire, D.J., Chardoul, S., Kessler, R.C., et al.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.
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Dissociation in posttraumatic stress disorder: Evidence from the World Mental Health Surveys.
Authors: Stein, D.J., Koenen, K.C., Friedman, M.J., et al.
Biological Psychiatry
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Embarrassment when illness strikes a close relative: A World Mental Health Survey Consortium multi-site study.
Authors: Ahmedani, B.K., Pimlott Kubiak, S., Kessler, R.C., et al.
Psychological Medicine
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Drop out from out-patient mental healthcare in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey initiative.
Authors: Wells, J.E, Oakley Browne, M., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., et al.
British Journal of Psychiatry
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Data-driven subtypes of major depressive disorder: a systematic review.
Authors: van Loo H.M., de Jonge P., Romeijn J.W., et al.
BMC Medicine
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Food insecurity and mental disorders in a national sample of U.S. adolescents.
Authors: McLaughlin K.A, Green J.G., Alegría M., et al.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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Diagnostic validity across racial and ethnic groups in the assessment of adolescent DSM-IV Disorders.
Authors: Green J.G., Gruber M.J., Kessler R.C., et al.
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
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