Mary Beth Landrum

Mary Beth Landrum, PhD

Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School

1995 - Student Travel Award to the Spring Meeting - Eastern North American Region of the International Biometric

1994 - Rackham Postdoctoral Fellowship (full tuition and stipend) - University of Michigan

1991 - Don Chemical Student Prize for performance on Ph.D. qualifying examination - Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan

1991 - Don Chemical Student Prize for performance as a first-year student - Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan

1990 -  Regents Fellowship (full tuition and stipend)  - University of Michigan

Consultation with a medical oncologist before surgery and type of surgery among elderly women with early-stage breast cancer
Authors: Keating NL, Landrum MB, Ayanian JZ, et al.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
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Measuring the quality of diabetes care—comparison of administrative data and medical record data
Authors: Keating NL, Landrum MB, Landon BE, et al.
Health Services Research
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Breast cancer in older women: quality of life and psychosocial adjustment in the 15 months after diagnosis
Authors: Ganz PA, Guadagnoli E, Landrum MB, et al.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
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Selection of related multivariate means: Monitoring psychiatric care in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Authors: Landrum MB, Normand SLT and Rosenheck RA
Journal of the American Statistical Association
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Specialty of ambulatory care physicians and mortality among elderly patients after myocardial infarction
Authors: Ayanian JZ, Landrum MB, Guadagnoli E, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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Understanding individual and small area variation in the underuse of coronary angiography following acute myocardial infarction
Authors: Garg PP, Landrum MB, Normand SL, et al.
Medical Care
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Adjuvant tamoxifen prescription in women 65 years and older with primary breast cancer
Authors: Silliman RA, Guadagnoli E, Rakowski W, et al.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
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Use of cholesterol-lowering therapy by elderly adults after myocardial infarction

Archives of Internal Medicine
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Longitudinal profiles of health care providers
Authors: Bronskill SE, Normand S-LT, Landrum MB, et al.
Statistics in Medicine
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Treatment decision making in early-stage breast cancer: should surgeons match patients’ desired level of involvement?
Authors: Keating NL, Guadagnoli E, Landrum MB, et al.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
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