A. James O'Malley

A. James O'Malley, PhD

Professor of The Dartmouth Institute, Professor of Biomedical Data Science, Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine
The Dartmouth Institute Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth 35 Centerra Parkway Lebanon, NH 03766

A. James O'Malley, PhD, is a Professor of The Dartmouth Institute and Professor of Biomedical Data Science at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine. His methodological research interests have centered on the design and analysis of medical device clinical trials, multivariate-hierarchical modeling, causal inference and social network analysis. Dr. O'Malley has developed novel statistical methods, often involving novel use of Bayesian statistics, to solve important methodological and applied problems in health policy and health services research, including the evaluation of treatments and quality of care in multiple areas of medicine. He continues to look at problems from multiple lenses including statistical, health policy, medical, epidemiological, and sociological perspectives. For future research, Dr. O'Malley expects to continue working on methodological problems in causal inference (comparative effectiveness research), hierarchical-multivariate modeling, social network analysis, and Bayesian analysis with specific problems often at the intersection of two or more of these areas.

2011 Mid-Career Excellence Award, American Statistical Association Health Policy Statistics Section

2012 Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association for “novel use of Bayesian statistics, multivariate-hierarchical modeling, causal inference and social network analysis to solve problems in health policy and health services research, for improving evaluation of treatments and quality of health care, and for leadership in health policy statistics.”

Impact of Health Disparities Collaboratives on Racial/Ethnic and Insurance Disparities in US Community Health Centers.
Authors: Hicks LS, O’Malley AJ, Lieu TA, et al
Archives of Internal Medicine
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Diabetes and cardiovascular disease during androgen deprivation therapy: observational study of veterans with prostate cancer.
Authors: Keating NL, O’Malley AJ, Freedland SJ, et al.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
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Can Choice of the Sample Population Affect Perceived Performance: Implications for Performance Assessment.
Authors: Landon BE, O’Malley AJ, Keegan T
Journal of General Internal Medicine
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Strategies to improve chronic disease management in seven metro Boston community health centers.
Authors: Ndumele CD, Russell B, Ayanian JZ, et al.
Progress in Community Health Partnership
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Risk prediction for perioperative mortality of endovascular versus open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms using the Medicare population.
Authors: Giles KA, Schermerhorn ML, O’Malley AJ, et al.
Journal of Vascular Surgery
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Factors Influencing Changes in Employment Among Women with Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer.
Authors: Hassett MJ, O’Malley AJ, Keating NL
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Market and beneficiary characteristics associated with enrollment in Medicare managed care plans and fee for service.
Authors: Shimada SL, Zaslavsky AM, Zaborski LB, et al.
Medical Care
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The Analysis of Social Networks
Authors: O’Malley AJ and Marsden PV
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology
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A Bayesian precision profile for measuring the quality of immunoassay experiments.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
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Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonists, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease in Men with Prostate Cancer: Which Metabolic Syndrome?
Authors: Smith MR, O’Malley AJ, Keating NL
British Journal of Urology International
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