Barbara J. McNeil

Barbara J. McNeil, MD, PhD

Ridley Watts Professor and Chair, Department of Health Care Policy; Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School; Practicing Radiologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Stereotactic and sonographic large-core biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions: Results of the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology Group V study
Authors: Fajardo LL, Pisano ED, Caudry DJ, et al.
Academic Radiology
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Diagnostic agreement in the evaluation of image-guided breast core needle biopsies: Results from a randomized clinical trial
Authors: Collins LC, Connolly JL, Page DL, et al.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology
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Do hospitals and surgeons with higher CABG surgery volumes still have lower risk-adjusted mortality rates?
Authors: Hannon EL, Wu C, Ryan TJ, et al.
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Underuse of angiography in the VA health care system compared with fee-for-service: Implications for regionalization policies
Authors: Petersen LA, Normand SLT, Leape LL, et al.
New England Journal of Medicine
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Regionalization and the underuse of angiography in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System as compared with a fee-for-service system.
Authors: Petersen LA, Normand SL, Leape LL, McNeil BJ
New England Journal of Medicine
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Bridging the gap: A research agenda for bridging the “Quality Chasm”
Authors: Fernandopulle R, Ferris T, Epstein A, et al.
Health Affairs
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Impact of cardiac service availability on case-selection for angiography and survival following acute myocardial infarction
Authors: Dendukuri N, Normand SLT and McNeil BJ
Health Services Research
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A goodness-of-fit test for a receiver operating characteristic curve from continuous diagnostic test data
Authors: Zou KH, Gastwirth JL and McNeil BJ
Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Statistical Science
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Managed care: an industry snapshot
Authors: Newhouse JP, Buchanan JL, Bailit HL, et al.
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Understanding individual and small area variation in the underuse of coronary angiography following acute myocardial infarction
Authors: Garg PP, Landrum MB, Normand SL, et al.
Medical Care
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