Alisa B. Busch

Alisa B. Busch, MD, MS

Associate Professor of Health Care Policy, Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School; Associate Professor of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital
Harvard Medical SchoolDepartment of Health Care Policy180 Longwood AvenueBoston, MA 02115-5899

Alisa B. Busch, MD, MS, a psychiatrist and clinical informaticist, is an associate professor of psychiatry at McLean Hospital and associate professor of health care policy at the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School. She is also the Mass General Brigham (MGB) Assistant Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) for McLean Hospital and system Behavioral and Mental Health and is Chief of the Health Services Research Division at McLean Hospital. 

Dr. Busch’s main academic interests are in measuring and improving mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) treatment quality. Her research focuses on developing quality measures, informed by expert guidelines/consensus, and applying them to examine changes in MH/SUD treatment quality in administrative data. Her research documents changes in treatment quality, among a variety of patient diagnostic populations, and in large systems of care. Other foci of her research are how changes in MH/SUD healthcare policy, delivery, and financing affect mental health care quality and utilization, and the use of new technology and digital health care (such as telemedicine, electronic health records) in MH/SUD care. 

Through her work as CMIO and as a MH/SUD policy and services researcher, Dr. Busch has made a variety of contributions to care quality via measurement-based care, digital health, and the use of data to inform process and quality improvement at McLean, MGB and nationally. She is a nationally recognized expert in process and outcome quality measurement in clinical care, in understanding how changes in policy or system organization are associated with differences in healthcare quality and utilization, and in the use of digital health in MH/SUD care. She has served on a variety of national committees and technical expert panels related to developing behavioral health quality measures (Institute of Medicine, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Agency for Health Care Research and Quality). 

Dr. Busch is a graduate of New York University with honors in English literature and was a recipient of the University Scholar’s Program. She received her MD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and completed her psychiatry residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science. She received her MS in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard School of Public Health. 

Quality of Care for Bipolar-I Disorder in a Medicaid Population with Bipolar I Disorder

Psychiatric Services
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Bipolar-I Depression Outpatient Treatment Quality and Costs in Usual Care Practice
Authors: Busch AB, Frank RG, and Sachs G
Psychopharmacology Bulletin
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Impact of Full Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity for Children in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
Authors: S.T. Azrin, H.A. Huskamp, V. Azzone, et al.
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Changes in the Quality of Care for Bipolar I Disorder During the 1990’s
Authors: Busch AB, Ling D, Frank RG, et al.
Psychiatric Services
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Real output in mental health care during the 1990s.
Authors: Berndt ER, Busch A, Frank RG et al
Forum for Health Economics & Policy
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The Impact of Parity on Major Depression Treatment Quality in the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Program After Parity Implementation
Authors: A.B. Busch, H.A. Huskamp, S.T. Normand, et al.
Medical Care
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Schizophrenia, Co-occurring Substance use Disorders and Quality of Care: The Differential Effect of a Managed Behavioral Health Care Carve-out
Authors: Busch AB, Frank RG, Lehman AF, et al.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health
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Quality-Constant Price Indexes for the Ongoing Treatment of Schizophrenia: an Exploratory Study
Authors: Frank R.G., Berndt E.R., Busch A.B., et al.
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
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The Effect Of A Managed Behavioral Health Care Carve-Out On Quality Of Care For Medicaid Patients Diagnosed As Having Schizophrenia
Authors: Busch AB, Frank RG and Lehman AF
Archives of General Psychiatry
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