Each year, the Association of American Physicians recognizes physician scientists who have attained excellence in the pursuit of medical knowledge and the advancement of basic and clinical sciences and their application to clinical medicine through experimentation and discovery.
This year, Nancy Keating was one of 60 physician scientists from around the U.S. who were elected to the society. This organization was founded by Dr. William Osler and colleagues in 1885 for “the advancement of scientific and practical medicine.” It has over 2000 active, emeritus, and honorary members that hail from the U.S. and abroad.
Keating’s research examines provider, patient, and health system factors that influence the delivery of high-quality care for individuals with cancer.
Keating will be introduced at the formal AAP dinner on Saturday, April 22, 2017 at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. The AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting features presentations and research from preeminent physician-scientists.
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